News & Events
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday February 6th, 1pm
Topic: Holistic orchard management
Presenter: Scott Divais
Location: at his orchard, Yeates Drive, Picnic Point, Bairnsdale.
Directions: Turn right next to Picnic Point Farm, off Drevermann Street; veer right at the first intersection, continuing on Yeates Drive; where the road turns right to go to the Picnic Point Reserve, keep going straight towards the big shed. Signs will be put up.
The weather so far looks benign, but if that changes there could be a change of plan.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday March 6th, 1pm
Topic: Tomato Varieties for Flavour and Colour
Location: Organic Agriculture Association Centre
Details: Bring along samples of your crop for display and discussion
All Welcome
To Register for an Event, or for additional information, use the Registration Form, email:, or phone/text: 0429 889 479.
If there is any topic that you would like to suggest, including revisits, or presenters, contact the OAA or use the Event Suggestion Form.
(Include yourself, if you have something that you would like to share).
Map - 14 McKean St Bairnsdale, Vic 3875
Past Events
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ & End of Year Get-Together - Saturday December 7th, 11am
Topic: Growing Berries
Presenter: Alan Broughton
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday November 7th, 1pm
Topic: Cheese making
Presenter: Marilyn Webster
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday October 3rd, 1pm
Topic: Using a refractometer
Presenter: Alan Broughton🌿
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday September 5th, 1pm
Topic: Controlling European wasps
Presenter: Peter Miles
Workshop - Saturday August 31st, Bairnsdale library, 10am
Topic: Controlling pests and diseases
Presenter: Alan Broughton
Workshop - Saturday August 17th, Bairnsdale library, 10am
Topic: Preventing pests and diseases
Presenter: Alan Broughton
Winter Working Bee - Saturday August 3rd, 1 pm
Topic: Taking action to control fruit tree diseases
Presenter: Alan Broughton
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Saturday July 6th
Topic: Composting & worm farming
Presenter: Alan Broughton
You are also welcome to attend the Committee Meeting starting at 11am.
OAA Annual General Meeting and Celebration of our 40th Birthday - June 15th, 2024, 11am
Brief meeting then celebratory BYO lunch at the Organic Centre.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday June 6th
TOPIC: Apple Cider Vinegar, Perry and other fermenting
Presenter: Rosie Reisenhoffer
Autumn Working Bee - May 4th, 2024, OAA Resource Centre
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - May 2nd, 2024
Topic: Fruit Tree Pruning
Presenter: Alan Broughton
Together We Can Make a Difference - OAA Resource Centre, Saturday April 13th, commencing at 11 am
Heather Osborn, local goat breeder of many years experience, will speak about the opportunities offered by using goats to reduce weeds, including blackberries and African Lovegrass, without chemical sprays. A reduction that can result in more pasture, better access to water for stock and reduced fire hazards, as well as a valuable source of income from livestock sales. The talk will be followed by a BYO lunch break and the option of a visit to Heather’s farm in Mt Taylor.
Please Register
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - April 4th, 2024
Topic: Medicinal Herbs in everyday life
Presenter: Elsa Hodge
Vietnamese organic farmer delegation - Saturday March 23rd
A group of 20 Vietnamese organic farmers, processors and supporters will be in Australia in March, visiting farms in the NSW Riverina and Gippsland.
Presented jointly with East Gippsland Landcare.
Several of the people in the delegation will be speaking about their farming systems, which in my opinion are among the top in the world in incorporating biodiversity into their farm design. Also speaking will be a representative of VOAA (Vietnam Organic Agriculture Association).
OAA members are invited to attend the meeting and join the group for a barbeque afterwards. Some of them speak English well; others will need translator help.
This visit to Australia is part of a grant from DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) to increase trade in organic products between Australia and Vietnam. OAA as a supporter of Mekong Organics will be a beneficiary of this grant.
Craig Castree - Monday March 18th, 2024
The Lakes Entrance Garden Club invite you to hear their guest speaker Craig Castree (as seen on Vasili's Garden). Craig will speak about soil health. His research shows that by adding compost and not using fertiliser, you will grow nutrient dense produce.
Plants for Sale - Proceed will go to fire relief.
Joel Williams - Friday 15th March, 2024
Joel Williams is visiting Gippsland again!!! This time it will be Flynn, Yarram, Bairnsdale, Orbost, and Omeo. For dates and venues please look at the attached flyer.
Emma Orgill - Sustainable Agricultural Facilitator
Hosted by: Far East Victoria Landcare
Summer Working Bee - Report
Thank you once again to our members for their support and wonderful
response for our Summer Working Bee.
Please see attachment for more details and images.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday March 7th, 2024
Topic: What life is there in the soil? What does it do? Examining it with a microscope.
Presenter: Alan Broughton.
Summer Working Bee - Saturday February 10th, 2024
After the generous response and support of members at our working bee in April & October we are once again calling for your help.
Please join us to assist with a range of tasks suitable for all levels of experience and ability, for a wonderful opportunity to socialise with like-minded people and of course to share a delicious afternoon tea.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday February 1st, 2024
Topic: Making or modifying your own hand tools - achievable by principally anyone.
Presenter: Stephen Cross.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday December 7th, 2023
Topic: Backyard quail for eggs and meat, and ideas for cooking them.
Presenter: Lyn Flannagan.
Invitation to attend a geothermal energy public information session - Wednesday November 15th, 2023
East Gippsland Shire Council invites anyone to attend a geothermal public information session to hear more about the project.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday November 2nd, 2023
Topic: An exploration of moon planting and also the biodynamic calendars.
Presenter: Sharon Dent
Spring Working Bee - Saturday October 7th, 2023
At the OAA Resource Centre the gardens are flush with spring growth that has gotten ahead of the intrepid regular attendees.
After the generous response and support of members at our working bee in April we are once again calling for your help.
Please join us to assist with a range of tasks suitable for all levels of experience and ability, for a wonderful opportunity to socialise with like-minded people and of course to share a delicious afternoon tea.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday October 5th, 2023
Topic: Raising chooks, on the home scale and commercial organic scale.
Presenter: Grace McCaughey and Alan Broughton
The effects of climate change in Vietnam and the work of the Climate Change Institute - Thursday September 28th, 2023
Guest speaker, Nguyen Minh Dang, researcher at the Climate Change Institute, An Giang University, and part of the Mekong Organics team.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday September 7th, 2023
Topic: Fire Wise Gardening and Landscaping
Learn about fire retarding and low flammability plants, practices and principles at a local level.
Presenter: Phillip Vaughan
Fruit Tree Grafting - Sunday September 3rd, 2023
About 40 varieties of apples, pears and nashis will be available, accompanied by a Grafting demonstration. Some already grafted trees will be available. Suggested donation of $5 per tree, all proceeds to Sarsfield Community Association for bushfire recovery work. These are plants from a grafting day at the Sarsfield Hall on Sunday August 27th. Grafted trees will also be available at the Organic Centre this coming Thursday, August 31st.
Everyone welcome.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday August 3rd, 2023
Topic: Growing avocado’s in your home garden. Listen to a renowned avocado grower speak about growing and caring for avocado's locally.
Presenter: Carol Bilney.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday July 6th, 2023
Topic: Hands on Tool sharpening. This is a requested follow-up to a previous session on Tool maintenance and use.
Presenter: Stephen Cross
OAA Annual General Meeting 2023 - Sunday June 4th, 2023
The brief meeting will include the presentation of the committee and treasurer reports, the election of office bearers, and confirmation of membership rates.
BYO lunch and if convenient, a folding chair.
A garden walk and talk will then take place that I have no doubt will be both inspiring and most enjoyable.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday June 1st, 2023
Topic: Nut growing. This session is most generously provided by Jennifer Wilkinson, speaking from a depth of personal experience and as a published author and past editor of a Nut Growers journal.
Presenter: Jennifer Wilkinson
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday May 4th, 2023
Topic: Winter vegetables, what to grow and sow, winter pests, pest & frost exclusion products.
Presenter: Shared
Working Bee - April 29th, 2023
As indicated in the Autumn Seedbed, the OAA would be very appreciative of assistance with the maintenance and development of the garden at the organic centre, and to accommodate that you are invited to a working bee, allowing for when you are individually available.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday April 6th, 2023
Topic: Sally Milburn will share the design and build process for her orchard enclosure which was featured in Seedbed Summer 2022, and Autumn 2023.
Presenter: Sally Milburn
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday March 2nd, 2023
Topic: Native bees and their potential use in pollination
While native bees and insects will always be beneficial, Mitch Smith from Woolenook Native Plant Nursery has very generously agreed to provide a deeper insight into the implications of Veroa Mite and what role native bees can augment. This will be a very interesting talk.
Presenter: Mitch Smith
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday February 2nd, 2023
Topic: Fruit tree pests and diseases.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday December 1st, 2022
Topic: Effective Watering with water saving ideas.
Presenter: Heather Stuart, Stephen Cross
Food Forestry and Permaculture Videos and Discussion - November 27th, 2022
Topic: The Heligan historic garden in Cornwall, England.
Presenter: Heather Stuart
Food Forestry and Permaculture Videos and Discussion - November 13th, 2022
Topic: The Chikukwa Project: Food forestry for environmental repair and food security, Zimbabwe.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday November 3rd, 2022
Topic: Vegetable growing and Weed Control, including information on mulching using the Weed Gunnel fabric which is allowable under organic standards.
Presenter: Alan Broughton.
Food Forestry and Permaculture Videos and Discussion - October 23rd, 2022
Topic: Establishing a Food Forest, Geoff Lawton
Presenter: Alan Broughton
Food Forestry and Permaculture Videos and Discussion - October 9th, 2022
Topic: French Food Gardens.
Presenter: Heather Stuart
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday October 6th, 2022
Topic: Biodynamic Growing - general information, yearly calendar, peppering.
Presenter: Sharon Dent.
Food Forestry and Permaculture Videos and Discussion - September 25th, 2022
Topic: Design For Life: Permaculture, The Food Forest Story, Gawler, South Australia
Presenter: Alan Broughton
Food Forestry and Permaculture Videos and Discussion - September 11th, 2022
Topic: Traditional Islamic Gardens
Presenter: Heather Stuart
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday September 1st, 2022
TOPIC: Bush Food - Learn about Bush food crops and plants.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
Food Forestry and Permaculture Videos and Discussion - August 28th, 2022
Topic: Four food forests in Vietnam (Powerpoint); Rom Vang, Abavina, Ech Op, Doctor Farm
Presenter: Alan Broughton
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Sunday August 7th, 2022
Topic: Bees and their importance in crop production.
David Kane, a local beekeeper, has agreed to speak about bees and their role in our gardens and field crops, the growing concern with Varroa mite, and what we can do to support local bee populations.
Presenter: David Kane
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday July 7th, 2022
Topic: Living a gluten free life. An informal discussion of the reasons for gluten free living, and a gluten free afternoon tea with samples and recipes. Feel free to bring your favourite recipes and tips and hints.
Presenter: Heather Stuart
The Hopi farmer championing Indigenous agricultural knowledge
This story offers numerous takeaway items.
Story Audio Link
Organic Methods of Soil Management Book
Alan has wonderfully generated a 131-page book based on his recent soil management course that covers soil biology, structure and soil carbon, soil chemistry, organic fertilisers, soil fertility, and much more.
Copies are available at the Resource Centre.
Film - Mine Field - Monday June 6th, 2022
Filmed over three years, an independent filmmaker has completed a documentary called ’MINE-FIELD’, concerning the Kalbar minerals sands mine proposal and the impact of mining on other Victorian rural communities. The Premier screening of the film will be at the Bairnsdale Sun Cinema.
OAA Annual General Meeting and Presentation - June 5th, 2022
A brief meeting will be followed by a BYO lunch, and then Kirsten has even more generously offered to share some of her extensive knowledge on health and well-being, focusing on the health benefits of fermented foods.
Kirsten states that her mission is to inspire people to connect with delicious, healthy food that has been produced fairly and is sustainable for the planet.
Something not to be missed, no less in that there is the suggestion of a Kimchi and sourdough bread tasting, inspired by home grown ingredients.
Communication regarding carpooling, both on and off the island will be desirable, and don’t forget to use your free ferry pass if you have one.
Relating to the AGM, members are reminded that they may vote by proxy.
All Welcome.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday 2nd June, 2022
Topic: Biochar production & use - Hands on Biochar workshop conducted at the Resource Centre. Gloves, mask, eye/face protection and appropriate clothing to physically participate.
Presenter: Stephen Cross
Food Forestry and Permaculture Videos and Discussion - Sunday May 29th, 2022
Topic: Bill Mollison - Cool climate permaculture video; several short videos of North American food forests.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
Food Forestry and Permaculture Videos and Discussion - Sunday May 22nd, 2022
Topic: “Forest Gardening with Robert Hart” (author of the pre-permaculture classic “Forest Farming”).
Presenter: Alan Broughton
Food Forestry and Permaculture Videos and Discussion - Sunday May 15th, 2022
Topic: Features of a food forest; some traditional examples.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday May 5th, 2022
Topic: Mushroom cultivation with Sena #Downundermushroom - $60/person fee includes a reusable Oyster mushroom growing kit ($30 value) & course notes.
Presenter: Sena
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday April 7th, 2022
Topic: Making sauerkraut in the traditional way - Rosi Reisenhofer will also explain how they make apple cider vinegar. This is different to the method using chopped apples.
Presenter: Rosi Reisenhofer
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday March 3rd, 2022
Topic: Preserving fruit by various methods – Methods covered will include Vacola, dehydration and boil & seal and individual experiences.
Presenter: Heather Stuart
Organic Soil Management Course
Alan Broughton will be offering a soil management course on Sunday afternoons during February 2022 at the organic centre, 14 McKean St, Bairnsdale, from 1.00 to 4.00.
There will be a small cost to cover printed materials (yet to be determined, approximately $25). Non-members are welcome, upon payment of a membership fee. Participants need to be double vaccinated for Covid and might need to wear a mask. Depending on interest, the course could continue in March with sessions on plant protection and animal health.
Session 1: Sunday February 6th: Soil biology
The role of soil micro-organisms: bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes
Soil fauna: earthworms, dung beetles
Using a microscope
Factors that influence soil biology
Session 2: Sunday February 13th: Soil structure and soil carbon
Soil profile examination
Simple soil structure tests: texture, compaction, stability, pH, colour
Role of soil carbon
Building soil carbon
Session 3: Sunday February 20th: Soil chemistry
Soil lab testing and interpretation of soil tests
Cation balance
Making phosphorus available
Trace elements
Interdependence of soil biology, structure and chemistry
Session 4: Sunday February 27th: Organic fertilisers and soil fertility
Mineral fertilisers
Compost making
Green manures
Legume use
Manure and weed teas
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday February 3rd, 2022
Topic: Wicking Beds - The session will focus on the reactivation of an existing Wicking Bed and the principles involved.
Presenter: Stephen Cross
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday December 2nd, 2021
Topic: Weeds (and other plants) Identification - A walk around the gardens of the Organic Centre with Alan Broughton and discussion on common temperate climate plants and common weeds of gardens and pastures in this area.
This will combine with a social gathering of our members, with afternoon tea.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday November 4th, 2021
Topic: Gardening Tools - Selection, use, care & sharpening.
Presenter: Stephen Cross
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday July 1st, 2021
Topic: Pruning Fruit Trees - Basic principles for pruning pome and stone fruits, grape vines and kiwi fruit. Includes espalier establishment and maintenance.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
Presenter: Alan Broughton
OAA AGM (Brief) & NSW Organic Farmer Interviews - Sunday May 23rd, 2021
Following reports from the president and treasurer and the election of office bearers, and a casual lunch, Alan Broughton will talk of his recent trip with Nguyen Van Kien of Mekong Organics to interview organic farmers in NSW. These interviews were live streamed via Zoom to farmers in Viet Nam.
While some of the crops grown are not those commonly produced in Gippsland – rice, bananas, coffee, turmeric, ginger – others including leafy vegetables, macadamias and citrus are or can be.
Important lessons of biodiversity for pest management and local direct selling apply anywhere. The group certification scheme used on the South Coast is also very interesting and relevant.
Members and non-members all very welcome.
Presenter: Sharon Dent
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday April 1st, 2021
Topic: A hands-on workshop to build a Bio-Dynamic compost heap at the centre. Please wear appropriate clothing and bring your own gloves and mask.
Presenter: Sharon Dent
2 Day Biodynamics workshop
2 day biodynamics workshop being conducted at Woodcote Farm, Perry Bridge.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday March 4th, 2021
Topic: A discussion of various composting methods including an introduction to Bio-Dynamic compost making. Water saving strategies will also open for discussion.
Presenter: Shared
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday February 4th, 2021
Topic: Crop rotation - Insight & discussion on Crop Rotation. Arja Toivanon will also be initiating a display of available and suitable materials for mulching - most relevant at this time of the year.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday December 3rd, 2020
Topic: Setting up a HugelKulture bed - Some hands-on work will be available for willing volunteers. Please wear appropriate clothing, masks and footwear and bring your own gloves.
Presenter: Stephen Cross & Sharon Dent
Biochar Workshop & Discussion Group - Saturday November 7th, 2020
An invite to anyone interested in Biochar, the process and the use, or that is willing to contribute their knowledge.
The day will begin no later than 10am with a preliminary insight into my experiences to-date, followed by hands-on Biochar making, a process that will continue for approximately 5 Hrs. During this extended period, discussion, input and questions relating to methods, results and use will be expressly welcomed.
Discussion points & evaluation will include:
Biochar Methods/Principles, Kiln Design & Economics
Opportunities when Cleaning Up & in Preparation for Bush-fire Season
Benefits, Use & Application
Biological Inoculation
Attendees are welcome at any time. For anyone that does not attend the initial presentation, a handout will be available and there will be a record maintained of questions, answers and points of discussion.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday November 5th, 2020
Topic: Top Tricks for Tomatoes:
Managing tomato pests and diseases
Selecting varieties
Propagating, including grafting
Seeds and seedlings will be available.
Attendees are invited to share your insights.
Presenter: Alan Broughton and Sharon Dent
Organic Growers Discussion Group - Tues Oct 27th, 2020
Topic: Cover Cropping Termination
The Organic Vegetable & Fruit Growers Discussion Group is Running a Zoom presentation on ‘SELECTION and TERMINATION of COVER CROPS for organic growers considering NO-TILL OR STRIP TILL.’
Dr Kelvin Montagu will be the guest presenter and will talk specifically about no-till for organic farmers, selection of green manure crops and subsequent termination of the crop prior to planting.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday, October 1st, 2020
Topic: Seed Saving
Topic: Why save seeds? How to prevent crossing? When to harvest? How to store?
Seeds will be on sale - we have a big new lot of interesting varieties.
Seed curators wanted, to reproduce these varieties for the OAA Seedbank.
Presenter: Alan Broughton.
Fruit Fly Webinar Link
For those that missed it, the recording of Bronwyn Koll's excellent fruit fly talk is available at
Fruit Fly Webinar - September 3rd, 2020
Presented by Bronwyn Koll, Queensland Fruit Fly Regional Coordinator, Yarra Valley.
Bronwyn speaks to East Gippsland on control of the fruit fly, now spreading well beyond its previous range. Topics include recognition of the fruit fly, monitoring, organic and non-organic methods of control, and community awareness and involvement.
The presentation is for land managers and home gardeners in East Gippsland, anyone who grows fruit and tomatoes. It is jointly organised by the Organic Agriculture Association, East Gippsland Landcare Network and Far East Victoria Landcare Network.
Cover Cropping Webinar
Hi everyone,
I highly recommend this event if you have any interest in cover cropping. Grant Sims is a great and engaging speaker with a fountain of knowledge. You must register with Nat to get the link to the webinar.
WHEN: Wednesday 5th August 2020
TIME: 7:30am to 8:30 am
The Top Soils Project is excited to announce that we will be hosting a 1 hour Zoom event with Grant Sims - Grant will be talking about choosing cover crop species.
For those who are not familiar with Grant;
The Sims farm has been utilizing no-till since the early 80's thanks to Grant’s father and uncle.
When Grant came back full time on the farm, he started looking at ways to improve the life and function of the soil through biology.
In 2008 he stopped using granular synthetic fertilizers and started using a biologically made liquid fertilizer. Also, at that time stop using seed dressing, insecticides and fungicides, unless absolutely necessary.
The Sims have a strong focus on diversity and grow many different crops. They use companion crops, cover crops and have expanded their cow calf numbers to integrate through the system. They have seen many positive changes in the health of their soils and plants.
They perform on-farm trials to learn and share methods about how to solve problems, be more profitable and improve the soil for the next generation. They believe this also allows them to grow good healthy products.
In 2015 Grant was awarded the Coles Weekly Times Farmer of the Year.
OAA AGM & Grafting Talk - Sunday August 30th,2020, via Zoom
OAA Annual General Meeting (brief), followed by a Grafting Talk.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
Fruit Tree Grafting Demonstration - Thursday August 6th, 2020
Some scions of several varieties of apple, pear, nashi and plum will be available but you will have to bring your own rootstocks (suckers or seedlings). Number of attendees is limited, so you must register first to ensure a place. If more than 10 people express interest a second demonstration at 2.30 will be considered. It will be outside, under shelter but not protected from the wind, so come appropriately dressed. Bring your own cup. The seedbank collection will be available for sales.
There will be a short AGM then John will speak and lead a tour of their garden and explain the many environmental aspects of their life, and talk about bushfire awareness and preparation in their situation.
Bring your own lunch, cakes and fruit to share are always welcome.
Tea and coffee supplied. All welcome.
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday May 7th, 2020
Topic: Soil Improvement - Simple tests to gauge soil conditions and ways to improve soil fertility.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday April 2nd, 2020
Topic: Backyard Beekeeping - Why important? Parts and workings of a beehive, types of bees and their jobs, caring for a beehive, safe honey extraction, clothing and equipment needed, possible pests and diseases, where to get your first bees.
Presenter: Mick Camilleri
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday March 5th, 2020
Topic: Growing edible plants from cuttings - Best methods, timing, media to use and after-care of cuttings.
BYO secateurs.
Presenter: Arja Toivanen
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday February 6th, 2020
Topic: Budding - Techniques for budding fruit trees, including rootstock production and compatibility. Bring a sharp pocket knife to practice.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
Presenter: Sharon Dent
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday November 7th, 2019
Topic: Wicking Beds - Learn about and share your knowledge of ‘Wicking Beds,’ a productive and water efficient principle and garden bed design that can be of great benefit for food production and gardening generally.
Presenter: Stephen Cross
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday October 3rd, 2019
Topic: More worthwhile, unfamiliar vegies and fruit to grow: learn about those that suit East Gippsland and best ways to grow them -The aim is to share experiences, so please bring samples or photos if you can.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
‘Growing Your Knowledge’ - Thursday September 5th, 2019
Topic: Growing edibles from seed - How to succeed, what to grow, seedling growing methods, seed raising mixes, pricking out and potting up seedlings, troubleshooting and extra tips, includes a hands-on activity.
Presenter: Alan Broughton
OAA AGM - Sunday June 2nd, 2019
Shared lunch and discussions, then a film "Voices of Transition", " A documentary action movie for community-led food production", 2014 Doors open 11 am. There will be a very brief meeting to elect office bearers and present the short reports. All Welcome, not just members of the OAA.
Mekong Organics comes to Bairnsdale - Sunday March 24th, 2019
Speakers: Dr Nguyen Van Kien - Mekong Organics and its activities- Floating rice restoration project Le Ngoc Hiep & Nguyen Van Thai - Khmer organic home vegetable garden project Alan Broughton - Impressions of organic farming in the Mekong Delta. The Organic Agriculture Association is working with Mekong Organics to promote organic farming in the Mekong Delta and experience interchange between Australian and Vietnamese organic farmers. All welcome to an interesting discussion.
OAA Seminar Pesticides: Safety myths Farming without pesticides - Thursday 28th June 2018
Speakers: Andre Leu • Pesticides effects on children • Farming without chemicals - How it can be done?
Alan Broughton • Effects of chemicals on soil biology
Liz Clay • Growing vegetables without pesticides
Van Kien Nguyen • Emerging organic agriculture in Vietnam
Reza Davari • Pest management experience in Iran and India
OAA AGM (Brief) & Film Screening, Anima Mundi - Saturday April 21st, 2018
Bring your lunch and take the opportunity to share ideas and stories with other members. Contributions of cake or fruit to share with tea or coffee gratefully received. After lunch we will be screening a documentary about peak oil and climate change. “Anima Mundi” highlights permaculture as a practical solution and the Gaia theory as a philosophical evolution deepening our connection with earth. Many people do not realize that permaculture is much more than about growing fruit and vegetables, it is a whole view incorporating the environment, energy, resources, housing, technology, education, healthcare, the arts, spirituality, psychology, philosophy and agriculture. It provides a realistic alternative for our future sustainability, a gentler way that treads lightly on our Mother Earth. Anima Mundi is not a “How To” video, it is a “Where To” documentary showcasing alternatives like Earthships, Permaculture, Permablitz, retrofitting the suburbs, lifeboats, localised food production and currencies, planned energy descent and Gaian philosophy. FEATURING David Holmgren – Co-founder of Permaculture Dr Christine James – Psychology Stephan Harding – Gaian Ecology Vandana Shiva – Human Rights Dr Mark O’Meadhra – Integrative Medicine Noam Chomsky – Activism Michael C Ruppert – Peak Oil (as seen in the movie Collapse) Permablitz – Permaculture Michael Reynolds – Earthships (as seen in the movie Garbage Warrior) John Seed OAM – Deep Ecology
Snowy Growers Community Garden - Autumn Harvest Festival - Saturday April 28th, 2018
A family friendly festival celebrating the end of summer, and 5 years of the Snowy Growers Community Garden. Come along for a day filled with live music from Electric Yeti Collective and a special open mic, local food and drink stalls, makers and artisans, funshops, fresh produce, and more! Free entry, all welcome.
Korean Organic Farming Talk - Wednesday October 25th, 2017
Members and friends are invited to hear Rei Yong speak on the Jadam organic farming technique. This is a low-cost system based on anaerobic fermentation to produce beneficial soil biology that enhances crop production and controls soil borne diseases. Further information on the technique is available at
Field Day and Brief AGM - Sunday June 4th, 2017, Busch Organics
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